Creating plan payouts

You can run the Payout Plans action to create time records and payout transactions for resources who have eligible accrual balances.

You must verify these requirements for plan payouts:

  • The balance rule on the absence plan must have payout service codes for hours payouts.
  • Resources who are terminated must have a termination date.
You can run these cycle processing programs in Absence Management after you create plan payouts in the Payout Plans action:
  • Plan Payout Details
  • Time Record Interface
  • Analyze Processed Transactions

See Viewing details of plan payouts.

See the information about time record export in Infor HR Talent Resources Setup and Administration Guide.

See Viewing the analytics of all processed transactions.

  1. Select Absence Management > Processing > Cycle Processing > Payout Plans.
  2. In the Resources header, specify this information:
    Organization Unit Group
    Select which organization unit group to create plan payouts.

    All absence plans for resources whose primary work assignment is within this Organization Unit Group are processed.

    If you select an organization unit group, then you must leave the Resource Group field blank.

    Payment Schedule Group
    Select which payment schedule group to create plan payouts.
    Note: Before the Payment Schedule Group field is displayed, you must select By Payment Schedule in the Process Monitor Mode field.

    See Configuring Absence Management for an organization.

    Resource Group
    Select which resource group to create plan payouts with a larger number of resources.
    Select up to eight resources to create plan payouts.
  3. In the Plans header, specify this information:
    Plan Type
    Select which plan type to calculate and create payments.
    Eligibility Groups
    Select up to six eligibility groups to create plan payouts.

    To run the Payout Plans action for multiple eligibility groups simultaneously, you must change the number of threads of the AbsencePlanPayoutMultithreaded action in Administrator > Utilities > Action Configuration > Action Configuration.

  4. In the Payout Options header, specify this information:
    Process Through Date
    Specify the date through which resource plan records are selected.

    Records with a Plan Entry that is less than or equal to this date are processed.

    Records with a Plan End that is greater than or equal to this date are processed.

    Payout Record Date
    Specify the date to attach to the time record, service record, and payout transaction.
    Select a payment option for the absence plan payout:
    • Current Cycle Hours X Rate: Process the current cycle hours from Process Plans that is multiplied by the pay rate.
    • Date Range Hours X Rate: Use the date range to select non-payout transactions that are processed or closed.

      This payment option is multiplied by the pay rate.

    • Available Hours X Rate: Multiply the current available hours by the pay rate.
    • Current Cycle Earnings: Pay out the current cycle's available dollar amount.
    • Date Range Earnings: Pay out the balance of the available transactions that are within the specified date range.
    • Available Earnings: Pay out the available earnings balance.
    • Current Cycle Hrs With Earnings: Pay out the hours that are available for the current period.
    • Date Range Hours With Earnings: Pay out the available hours transactions within the specified date range.
    • Available Hours With Earnings: Pay out the total hours available balance.
    • Sell Request Hours X Rate: Multiply the Sell Request Hours by the pay rate.
    • Exchange Request Hours X Rate: Multiply the Exchange Request Hours by the pay rate.
    Accrual Dates
    If you select Date Range Hours X Rate, Date Range Earnings, or Date Range Hours With Earnings as the payout option, then specify the beginning and ending dates of the range.

    If you select any other payout option, then leave this field blank.

    Percent of Rate
    If you select a payout option in which hours are multiplied by the resource pay rate, then specify the percent of the pay rate.

    The default value is 100%.

  5. In the Service Code Options header, specify this information:
    Use Terminated Service Code
    Select this check box to use the terminated service code for payout amounts to terminated resources.

    If you leave the Use Terminated Service Code check box cleared, then the service code on the balance rule is used.

    Terminated Service Code
    Select the terminated service code to use for the final payout.
    Balance Rule Service Code
    Select an error message when excluding plans with no payout service code:
    • Error If Not Found: Create an error when you exclude plans with no payout service code on the balance rule.
    • Skip If Not Found: Skip the record if no payout service code is found on the balance rule.
  6. In the Time Record header, specify this information:
    Check Group
    Optionally, select a number from 1 to 9 or a letter from A to Z to demarcate a check group that is displayed on resource paychecks.
    Process Group
    Optionally, select a number from 1 to 9 or a letter from A to Z to demarcate a process group that is displayed on resource paychecks.
    Tax Frequency Override
    Optionally, choose the frequency with which income taxes are overridden.
    Optionally, set the status of the plan payout.
  7. In the Other Options header, specify this information:
    Select the rounding scheme that is used to generate payout hours:
    • No Rounding: Truncate the hours when value is more than two decimals.
    • Round Up Time Record: Round up the time record payout hours to two decimals.

      You can use this option to calculate the wage amount for the time record.

    • Round Up Time Record and Transaction: Round up the hours that are used for the time record and the transaction that are created in the Payout Plans action to two decimals.

    The default value is No Rounding.

    Select whether to delete and recalculate the current payout amounts by rerunning the Payout Plans action, or to delete only previously calculated payouts:
    • No: Recalculate only new payout amounts. No previous records are recalculated or deleted.
    • Recalculate All: Delete all existing payout transactions and process records using the run parameters.
    • Remove Selection: Delete only those payout records that is qualified in the record selection criteria.

      No new records are created.

    • Recalculate Selection: Delete and recalculate payout records that are qualified in the record selection criteria.
    • Recalculate Selection Without Removal: Calculate new payouts.

      No previous payout records are deleted.

      Note: Use the Recalculate Selection Without Removal option with caution. If you have existing payouts and a rerun of plan calculations is incorrect, then they are not recalculated. Use the existing rerun options in this scenario. When you run the Payout Plans action, time records are created.

      When you rerun the Payout Plans action, the record of employee's absence transaction and related time records are deleted and recreated. Alternatively, new transaction and time records are created depending on the action you use.

      If you run the Payout Plans and Process Plans actions in the same cycle and you must rerun the Process Plans action, then you must first rerun Payout Plans. To undo existing payout transactions, select Remove Selection in the Rerun field.

  8. Click Submit.