Defining plan display order

The display order of the plans can be defined so that plans are displayed in a specific order to employees and managers. For example, you can show the most often used plans first in the list.

Note: The entire process can be repeated for ongoing maintenance as new plans are added.
  1. Select Absence Management > Setup > Plans and Components > Plans.
  2. Select the display order by specifying a number for each plan in the New Display Order field.
    To work with the entire list of plans without pagination, specify -1 in the Results per page field.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Yes in the confirmation message to apply the display order.
  5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 to further define the display order.
  6. Click Update Resource Absence Plan Display Order.
  7. Click OK to continue to run the action in the background.
  8. Select My Actions > My Scheduled Actions to verify the action completed successfully.
  9. Select Absence Administrator > Enrollment > Manual > By Organization to verify that the Resource Absence Plan records have been updated with the new display order.