Actor Organization Unit security for Absence

The ActorOrgUnitAbsenceAdmin_ST role can be used to access and manage employee data by organization unit for the Absence module. This role ensures that access to employee-related data is limited.

ActorOrgUnit security access only gives access to employees who have organization units on their work assignments that match the organization units that are assigned to the actor in ActorOrgUnit. Actors in this role can access and manage employee-related data in the module without seeing employee data outside of their organization unit access. ActorOrgUnit security is enforced on employee lists and actions that process employee data.

  • If the ActorOrgUnitAbsenceAdmin_ST role is assigned to an actor, the Employee_ST role is no longer valid for that actor. It must be replaced with ActorOrgUnitEmployee_ST.
  • Use the Employee_ST role for employees who do not have an ActorOrgUnit role assigned to them.
  • When multiple roles are assigned to an actor, the security rules with the least restrictive access are applied.
  • When performing import or export operations, the AbsenceAdmin_ST role must be assigned to the actor.