Creating balance notifications

This set action uses the notification configuration that you set up when you create the plan.

See Configuring automation for balance notification.

  1. Select Utilities > Create Balance Notifications.
  2. Specify this information:
    Organization Unit Group
    Optionally, specify an organization unit group for which to create balance notifications.

    All absence plans for resources whose primary work assignment’s Organization Unit is within this Organization Unit Group are processed.

    Resource Group
    Specify the resource group to process.
    Specify up to eight resource numbers to process.

    If a larger number of resources must be processed, you can select a resource group.

    Plan Type
    Specify the plan type for which to create balance notifications.
    Eligibility Group
    Select one or more eligibility groups. If this field is blank, then all Eligibility Groups are processed.
  3. Click OK to process this action now or click Schedule to schedule the action to run later.