Custom groups
Absence Management uses Infor HR Talent Custom Groups to determine eligibility for enrollment purposes and to identify groups of resources that can be processed together.
For more information about custom groups, see the Infor HR Talent Manager User Guide.
Using eligibility groups with Absence Management
When you set up Absence Management, you define eligibility groups specifically for use in Absence Management. You create custom groups with a business class of Work Assignment and assign the subject of HCMGroupAbsence. For example, you can define a custom group of full-time, salaried, non-union resources. You can define another group of part-time, hourly union resources. When you define a plan, each of these eligibility groups are assigned a set of rules for usage, accruals, limits, etc.
If a resource changes groups, the change is identified and a report is provided. For example, the resource moves from a hourly, union position to a full-time salaried position.
Two Rivers Company established an ACTIVE FULL TIME eligibility group to use with their vacation plan. Resources must have at least one active work assignment with a Full Time Equivalent of 1 to be a member of this group. If the Automatic Enrollment field is selected on the Plan Type, resources meeting this criteria are automatically enrolled in the vacation plan through Recalculate Enrollments. New resources can be automatically enrolled if they are a member of the eligibility group when they are hired. They must be hired using either the Infor HR Talent or Talent Acquisition Hire request action or have a manually created Resource and first Work Assignment.