Manually creating resource service records

  1. Select Absence Management > Processing > Open Service Records.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Employment ID
    Specify the Resource's employment ID.
    Specify the date of the service or event data.
    Service Code
    Specify the service code if the record identifies hours that represent service with the company.
    Specify the number of hours.
    Specify the amount of earnings.
    Specify the currency.
    Reason Code
    Specify the reason code if this record is used to signify an attendance event.
    If attendance tracking is based on a point system, specify the number of points that are associated with this event.
    Select whether this absence counts as an occurrence in absence reporting.
    Period End date
    This field is required. If this field is blank, the payment schedule on the resource's primary work assignment is used. Any date that is specified must be a valid pay period end date for the payment schedule.
  4. Click Save.