Viewing updated zero balance transactions

Before you view a list of updated zero balance transactions, you must first run the Update Zero Balances action.

See Updating zero balances transactions.

  1. Log on to the Infor HR Talent page.
  2. Select Absence Management > Processing > Cycle Processing > Zero Balance Details .
  3. On the Organization tab, view the details of updated zero balance transactions by organization unit:
    1. Specify the name of the resource plan with updated zero balance transactions.
    2. Specify other details of the resource plan with updated zero balance transactions such as employment ID, eligibility group, date, hours, earnings, currency, cycle, and transaction type.
    3. Click OK.
  4. Click the Plan Type tab to view the details of updated zero balance transactions by plan type:
    1. Select the plan type of the updated zero balance transactions.
    2. Specify the name of the updated zero balance transactions.
    3. Specify other details of the updated zero balance transactions such as employment ID, eligibility group, date, hours, earnings, and currency.
    4. Click OK.
  5. Click the Plan tab to view the details of updated zero balance transactions by plan:
    1. Select the plan type and eligibility group of the updated zero balance transactions.
    2. Optionally, specify the name of the resource with updated zero balance transactions.
    3. Optionally, specify other details of the allotment adjustments such as employment ID, eligibility group, date, hours, earnings, currency, cycle, and cycle date.
    4. Click Search.