Performing plan transfers by resource

Use this procedure to transfer data from one individual resource plan to another. Use this transfer method to edit the Transfer To values before you complete the transfer.

  1. Select Absence Management > Enrollment > Transfer Plans > By Resource.
  2. Find the resource plan to transfer and click the Transfer button.
  3. Select transfer options. Specify this information:
    Create Zero Balance
    Specify whether to zero out plan balances in the From Resource Plan record as part of the transfer.
    • If you select Yes, transactions are created for the Transfer From plan that zero out all balance amounts. This occurs regardless of whether the full amount is being transferred to the new plan.
    • If you select Offset Transferred Amount, transactions to offset the exact transfer amount are created.
    End Accruals For The From Plan
    Select whether the accruals end in the Transfer From record. If selected, the Accrual End date is populated with the Transfer Date, if not already populated. You can override with another date before completing the transfer.
  4. In the Transfer To section, specify this information:
    Plan Type
    Specify the Transfer To plan type. This is the plan type to which values are transferred.
    Eligibility Group
    Specify the Transfer To eligibility group to which values are transferred.
    Transfer Date
    Specify a date for the transfer. This date is used as the transaction date for the balance amount transfer transactions. This date is used as the Plan Entry Date in the Transfer To plan, if the Resource Plan does not already exist.
    Set Plan Override
    Select whether to set the override field on the new Resource Plan record. This is required if you are overriding the resource to a plan where they are not a member of the eligibility group, for example.
  5. In the Transfer section specify this information:
    Select whether to transfer the dates from the resource plan. If selected, the Date fields on the Transfer To record are populated with the appropriate values from the Transfer From plan. You can remove the dates or specify different ones before completing the transfer.
    Select whether all balances should be transferred. If selected, the Balance fields on the Transfer To record are populated with the balances from the Transfer From plan. You can remove the values or specify different ones before completing the transfer.
    Accounts or Cost Center
    Note: The Accounts check box is displayed if your Organization is configured to use Chart of Accounts. Cost Center is displayed if your Organization is not configured to use Chart of Accounts.

    If the Accounts check box is displayed, select whether to transfer General Ledger account and Activity data. If selected, the General Ledger account and Activities fields on the Transfer To record are populated with values from the Transfer From plan. You can remove the values or specify different ones before completing the transfer.

    If the Cost Center check box is displayed, select whether to transfer Cost Center and Project data. If selected, the Cost Center and Project fields on the Transfer To record are populated with values from the Transfer From plan. You can remove the values or specify different ones before completing the transfer.

    Finance Structures
    Select this check box to include Financials and Supply Management's Finance Structure during the transfer of the selected absence plan's details to another.
    Override Tables and Amounts
    Select whether to transfer override tables and Override Carryover amounts. If the check box is selected, the override tables and override carryover amount fields are populated with values from the Transfer From plan. You can remove the overrides or specify different values before completing the transfer.
  6. Click OK.

    A Pending Record is created.

  7. Open the Pending record to view details in the Transfer To Plans pane.
  8. If transfer to values are correct, click Complete Transfer.

    If transfer values are incorrect, update the values and save the record. Then click Complete Transfer.

  9. Click OK.