
This dashboard provides information about health and safety best practices for a new workplace. This table also provides means of how to support COVID-19 vaccinations in the wake of recent mandate discussions and health tests such as the COVID-19 test.

This table shows the dashlets in the hidden dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
Clearance Status Count of employees by location who are cleared or not cleared to work based on the status of their health components Column
Employees who are COVID-19 Positive Count of employees by location who are COVID-19 positive. For example, 20 employees in St. Paul, MN are COVID-19 positive. Column
Confirmed Cases by Date Cumulative confirmed positive cases by date. The dashlet shows a cumulative list of confirmed COVID-19 cases by incident date. Area spline
Work Related Cases Work-related COVID-19 positive cases. The dashlet shows all safety incidents with a COVID-19 positive result that are work-related. Pie
Positive Employees Count of employees who are COVID-19 positive KPI
Cleared Count of employees previously Covid-19 positive. These employees have been cleared to work today. KPI
Not Cleared Not cleared to work today. Count of employees who are not cleared to work today. KPI