Annual Rate Base Pay by LOS
These dashlets track annual rate base by HR location, work type. and education.
This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:
Dashlet name | Description | Chart style |
Headcount | Shows the distinct employee count for selected year/month based on work assignment | KPI |
Avg Annual Rate Base | Average of the annual rate base for selected year/month | KPI |
Avg LOS | Average length of service of the employees based on start date | KPI |
Average Time in Job | Time in job of all the employees by job effective date based on work assignment | KPI |
Annual Rate Base Pay by LOS | Distinct employees in a selected job category and year/month by their annual rate
base and length of service. LOS = Length of Service (selected year/month – start date) in years. Annual Rate Base |
Scatter |
Annual Rate Base Pay and LOS Detail | Shows the average annual base pay, length of service, location of HR organization unit, job, and work information | Table |
Avg Hourly Rate | The average annual rate in base pay over the trailing twelve months | KPI |
*Scatter points are limited. Filter to a smaller group of employees if Maximum call stack size exceeded occurs.