Corrective Actions Resulting in Terminations

This dashboard provides information about a formal process concerning an employee's behavior which is defined within a group. The details represent the steps used during a corrective action process. Each step represents a level of severity.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
Corrective Actions Resulting in Termination by Position Number of corrective actions resulting to termination by position using rank filter Column
Corrective Actions Resulting in Termination by Supervisor Number of corrective actions resulting to termination by supervisor using rank filter Column
Corrective Actions Resulting in Termination by Group Number of corrective actions resulting to termination by group using rank filter Column
Corrective Actions Resulting in Termination by HR Org Unit Number of corrective actions resulting to termination by HR organization unit using rank filter Column
Corrective Actions Termination Shows total number of corrective action terminations for the selected month/year KPI