Health Appointments

This dashboard tracks the appointments for health components based on appointment groups, location, and canceled appointments.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
Upcoming Appointments by Health Components Shows the count of upcoming health appointments by the components for selected year/month, location, and position Bar
Appointments by Health Component Status Shows the count of health appointments by component status for selected year/month, location and position Column
Appointments by Health Component Type Shows the count of health appointments by the component type for selected year/month, location and position Bar
Appointments by Health Component Count of appointments by health component. For example, there are 200 flu shot appointments. Bar
Appointments by Location Shows the count of health appointments by HR location for selected year/month Treemap
Appointments by Position Shows the count of health appointments by position for selected year/month Column
Sent Current count of sent or in process appointments KPI
Cancelled Current count of cancelled appointments KPI
Completed Current count of completed appointments KPI