Offers Overview

This dashboard provides the count of offers extended, accepted by extended date, by location, recruiter, organization unit, and manager.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
Offers Extended QTD offer extended KPI
Offer Accepted by Extended Date QTD offer accepted by extended date KPI
Percent Accepted Percent of offers that were accepted in QTD or YTD KPI
Offers by HR Location Count of offers extended, accepted, declined, and rescinded where extended date is within the selected time series, QTD or YTD, by the HR location assigned to requisition Column
Offers by Recruiter Count of offers extended, accepted, rescinded, and declined where extended date is within the selected time series, QTD or YTD, by the recruiter assigned to requisition Column
Offers by HR Organization Unit Count of offers extended, accepted, rescinded, and declined where extended date is within the selected time series, QTD or YTD, by the HR organization unit assigned to requisition Column
Offers by Hiring Manager Count of offers extended, accepted, rescinded. And declined where extended date is within the selected time series, QTD or YTD, by the hiring manager assigned to requisition Column