This dashboard provides the head count, turnover rate, new hires, relationship status, work type, HR Location, starters overtime, and job hierarchy.
This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:
Dashlet name | Description | Chart type |
Headcount | Distinct Count of employees, as of the last date of the selected month. | KPI |
Total Annual Rate | Total Annual Rate in the base currency for as of the last date of the selected Year/ Month. | KPI |
Turnover Rate TTM | Number of terminations in last 12 months / Average number of employees in the
last 12 months. A Termination is determined by the existence of a Termination Date. An action is not required. |
New Hires TTM |
New Hire count or FTEs based on the Start Date occurring in the trailing 12 months where the New Hire was not a Non Start or Rehire. |
Employees by HR Location | Employee Count or FTEs by HR Location's Country as of the last day of the selected Year/Month | geomap |
Employees by Relationship to Organization | Employee Count or FTEs by Relationship to Organization as of the last day of the selected Year/Month | donut |
Employees by Work Type | Employee Count or FTEs by Work Type as of the last day of the selected Year/Month. | donut |
Starters Over Time | Starters are New Hires, those with Start Dates <> to the Termination Date and Rehires, those with Rehire Action effective dates. | bar |
Job Hierarchy | Employee Count or FTEs by Job Category Hierarchy as of the last day of the selected Year/Month. Use Column Selector to use a different attribute of the Job Hierarchy. | treemap |