
This dashboard provides the head count, turnover rate, new hires, relationship status, work type, HR Location, starters overtime, and job hierarchy.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart type
Headcount Distinct Count of employees, as of the last date of the selected month. KPI
Total Annual Rate Total Annual Rate in the base currency for as of the last date of the selected Year/ Month. KPI
Turnover Rate TTM Number of terminations in last 12 months / Average number of employees in the last 12 months.

A Termination is determined by the existence of a Termination Date. An action is not required.

New Hires TTM

New Hire count or FTEs based on the Start Date occurring in the trailing 12 months where the New Hire was not a Non Start or Rehire.

Employees by HR Location Employee Count or FTEs by HR Location's Country as of the last day of the selected Year/Month geomap
Employees by Relationship to Organization Employee Count or FTEs by Relationship to Organization as of the last day of the selected Year/Month donut
Employees by Work Type Employee Count or FTEs by Work Type as of the last day of the selected Year/Month. donut
Starters Over Time Starters are New Hires, those with Start Dates <> to the Termination Date and Rehires, those with Rehire Action effective dates. bar
Job Hierarchy Employee Count or FTEs by Job Category Hierarchy as of the last day of the selected Year/Month. Use Column Selector to use a different attribute of the Job Hierarchy. treemap