Average Annual Base Pay Overview

This dashboard provides information about annual base pay by location, work type, and education.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
MAGO Annual Rate Base Change Percent change in avg annual base rate since previous month.

((Avg Annual Base Rate - MAGO Avg Annual Base Rate) / MAGO Avg Annual Base Rate) *100

Avg Annual Rate Base Average of the annual base rate of all the employees for selected year/month, HR organization unit, location KPI
YAGO Change

Percent change in average annual base rate since previous year

((Avg Annual Base Rate - YAGO Avg Annual Base Rate) / YAGO Avg Annual Base Rate) *100

MAGO Change

Percent change in average annual base rate since previous month.

((Avg Annual Base Rate - MAGO Avg Annual Base Rate) / MAGO Avg Annual Base Rate) *100

Total Annual Rate Base Annual base rate of all the employees for selected year/month, HR organization unit, and location. KPI
YAGO Change

Percent change in average annual base rate since previous year

((Avg Annual Base Rate - YAGO Avg Annual Base Rate) / YAGO Avg Annual Base Rate) *100

Avg Annual Pay by HR Location

Average annual pay in the base currency by hr location as of the last day of the selected year/month.

Avg Annual Pay by Work Type

Average annual pay in the base currency by work type as of the last day of the selected year/month.

Avg Annual Pay by Education

Average annual pay in the base currency by the highest education level attained as of the last day of the selected year/month.
