Learning and Development

Learning and Development focuses on enhancing skills for the personal or professional development of a resource.

Fact table Description Source table
Fact Employee Certification Provides information of employees enrollments to the certifications. Analyze by dates are certification assigned date, certification completion date, certification expected completion date, and certification expiration date EmployeeCertificationProgram
Fact Employee Development Plan Provides information of employees enrollments to the development plan. Analyze by dates is dev plan assigned date EmployeeDevelopmentPlan
Fact Employee Learning Activity Provides information of employees enrollments to the activities. Analyze by dates are activity assigned date, activity completion date, activity expected completion date EmployeeLearningActivity
Fact Learning development overview Contains the details of employee’s enrolled dev plan, certifications, and activity details. Dev plan, Certifications, and Activity
Fact Employee Learning Evaluation This table stores the Instructor Evaluations submitted by Employees LearningEmployeeEvaluation
Fact Learning Instructor This table stores the sessions(which doesn’t require Tests) conducted by instructors LearningSession, LearningSessionInstructor
Fact Learning Instructor Test This table stores the sessions(which require Tests) conducted by instructors LearningSession, LearningSessionInstructor,LearningActivityTest