Measure | Description | Analyze by date |
Annual Rate | By Snapshot Month | |
Annual Rate Change | A change in the Annual Rate occurred | By Effective From |
Annual Rate Base | Annual Rate converted to the Base currency | By Snapshot Month |
Annual Rate Base Change | A change in the Annual Rate in the base currency occurred | By Effective From |
Employee Count | Sum of every employee and work assignment without a termination date as of the last day of the month. Used when filtering to one month. | By By Snapshot Month |
From Annual Rate | The from rate of an Annual Rate change | By Effective From |
From Annual Rate Base | The from rate of Annual Rate change in the base currency | By Effective From |
From Hourly Rate | The from rate of an Hourly Rate change | By Effective From |
From Monthly Rate | The from rate of Monthly Rate change | By Effective From |
From Weekly Rate | The from rate of a Weekly Rate change | By Effective From |
Full Time Annual Rate | By Effective From | |
Hourly Rate | By Snapshot Month | |
Hourly Rate Change | A change in the Hourly rate occurred | By Effective From |
LOS | Average Length of Service = (By Snapshot Month – Start Date) in Years. | By Snapshot Month |
Adjusted LOS | Average Length of Service based on Adjusted Start Date to Year/Month selected. | By Snapshot Month |
Seniority LOS | Average Length of Service based on Seniority Date to Year/Month selected. | By Snapshot Month |
Monthly Rate | By Snapshot Month | |
Monthly Rate Change | A change in the Monthly rate occurred | By Effective From |
Pay Rate | By Effective From | |
Pay Period Rate | By Snapshot Month | |
Time in Job | By Snapshot Month | |
To Annual Rate | The to rate of an Annual Rate change | By Effective From |
To Annual Rate Base | The to rate of Annual Rate change in the base currency | By Effective From |
To Hourly Rate | The to rate of an Hourly Rate change | By Effective From |
To Month Rate | The to rate of Monthly Rate change | By Effective From |
To Weekly Rate | The to rate of a Weekly Rate change | By Effective From |
Weekly Rate | By Effective From | |
Weekly Rate Change | A change in weekly pay rate occurred | By Effective From |
Average Employee Count | ([SnapShot_Month: Sum: Employee Count] ) / ([SnapShot_Month: #
Distinct SnapShot_Month]) Counts adjusted for number of days employed in the month. Used when analyzing over time periods greater than month. |
By Snapshot Month |
Average FTEs | [SnapShot_Month: Sum: Avg FTE] / [SnapShot_Month: # Distinct
SnapShot_Month] FTEs adjusted for number of days employed in the month. Used when analyzing over time periods greater than month. |
By Snapshot Month |
GetPromptValue(‘Employee Count or FTE’) | Used with a dashboard filter to choose to view either Employee Counts or FTE
values. Distinct Employee Keys where Employee Count=1 Or Sum of FTEs where Employee Count=1 Provides the distinct count of employees who have not been terminated as of the last date of the month. |
By Snapshot Month |