Applications As Of Date

This dashboard provides information about the number of applications with an In progress status as of the snapshot date.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
Job Application Update Stamp KPI
Open Requisitions Requisitions in the open status as of the selected date KPI
Requisitions On Hold Requisitions in the on hold status as of the selected date KPI
Pending Requisitions Requisitions in the pending status as of the selected date KPI
Applications Shows the count of applications received for the selected workflow and as of date KPI
Applications by Workflow Step Count of applicants in ATS workflow step as of date selected Bar
Applications by Hiring Manager and Workflow

Count of applicants as processed through the ATS workflow steps by the requisition's hiring manager

The ATS workflow step count represents the total number of applicants that have completed that step

Applications by Recruiter and Workflow

Count of applicants as processed through the ATS workflow steps by the requisition's recruiter

The ATS workflow step count represents the total number of applicants that have completed that step Applications may be counted in multiple steps
