Applications and Offers

This dashboard provides information about the count of applicants that applied on a specific date or date range.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
Application Update Stamp KPI
Opened Requisitions Shows the count of applications received for the selected workflow and as of date KPI
Applicants Distinct count of applications within the date range KPI
Interviews Distinct count of interviews within the date range KPI
Offers Extended Distinct count of offers accepted within the date range KPI
Offers Accepted Distinct count of requisitions opened within the date range without regard to their current status by year/month KPI
Opened Requisitions Distinct count of applications within the date range by year/month Line
Applications KPI Report Distinct count of interviews within the date range by year/month Line
Interviews KPI Report Offers extended where the extended date falls within the date range Line
Offers Extended KPI Report Distinct count of offers accepted within the date range by year/month Line
Offers Accepted KPI Report Applicant count by application status within the date range Line
Applicants by Status Applications within date range by status Bar
Applications by Workflow Step Distinct applicant count by status where the application date occurred within the date range Funnel
Applicants and Offers by Recruiter Opened requisition, applicant and accepted offer count by recruiter within the date range Bar
Applicants and Offers by Requisition Distinct applicant count where application date and count of offers accepted where acceptance date is within the date range Bar