Position Budget Analysis

In order to reduce processing time and storage size, a snapshot of the Position Plan and budget count data is tracked for a limited number of days on a daily basis before being tracked as of the last date of the month.

The variable DailySnapshotWindowPositionBudget defaults to 30 days and may be set in the Model space by the space administrator.

In order to capture all changes to actual or budget counts, it is important to Build Position Plan Assigned Resources. See activating or inactivating budget plans > Rebuilding you budget counts in the HR Talent User Guide.

Fact table Description Source table
Position Plan Budget Fact Provides position plan budget measures useful for comparing budgets.

Analyze by Dates are Budget Date and Position Plan Date.

Position Budget Snapshot Provides a snapshot of the position budget, actuals, and variance on a given date.

The Analyze by Date used in Budget Snapshot Date.



The Position Plan Budget fact table contains the budget measures such as the Budgeted Headcount, FTEs, and Salary. This table can be analyzed by the Position Plan or Budget date.

Position Budget Snapshot

The Position Budget Snapshot tracks changes to the budget and related actuals such as Employees, Future Commitments, Pending Approvals, Applications, and Requisitions. The snapshot date tracks as of the last 60 days on a daily basis. All budget data over 60 days past are tracked as of the status on the last date of the month.