Hourly Rate Pay by LOS

This dashboard provides information such as average hourly pay rate, average LOS, average time in job, and hourly pay rate by LOS.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
Headcount Shows the distinct employee count for selected year/month based on work assignment KPI
Avg Hourly Rate Pay Average of the hourly rate of the employee work assignment for selected year/month KPI
Avg LOS Average length of service of the employees based on start date KPI
Average Time in Job Time in job of all the employees by job effective date based on work assignment KPI
Hourly Rate Pay by LOS

Distinct employees in a selected job category and year/month by their hourly rate and length of service.

LOS = Length of Service ( selected year/month – start date) in years.

Hourly rate.

Hourly Rate Pay and LOS Detail Shows the hourly rate, length of service, location HR organization unit, job, and work information Table

*Scatter points are limited. Filter to a smaller group of employees if Maximum call stack size exceeded occurs.