Starter Overview TTM

This dashboard provides the count of new hires, rehires, starters by hire source, by job, location, and org unit by TTM.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
New Hire TTM Trailing 12 month new hire based on start date KPI
Rehire TTM Trailing 12 months rehires based on the rehire action's effective date KPI
Starters Hire Source New hires plus rehires by hire source for the trailing 12 months from the selected year/month Column
Starters by Job and Hire Source Counts of new hires and rehires by hire source and job category for the trailing 12 months from the selected year/month Heatmap
Starters by HR Location New hires and rehires by HR location for the trailing 12 months from the selected year/month Column
Starters by HR Organization Unit Comparison of new hire and rehires by HR organization unit for the trailing 12 months from the selected year/month Column