Measure | Description | Analyze by date |
Employee Count | A 1 for every employee and work assignment without a termination date as of the last day of the month. This measure is used when filtering to one month. | By Snapshot Month |
Distinct Employee Count | Distinct number of employee IDs in a snapshot month. This measure is used to eliminate the duplication of counts for employees with multiple work assignments. This includes employees that started or were terminated in the month. | By Snapshot Month |
Distinct Work Assignments | Distinct number of employee IDs concatenated with work assignment number | By Snapshot Month |
Adjusted LOS | Average length of service based on the adjusted start date | By Snapshot Month |
FTE | Summed FTEs as of the last day of the month. | By Snapshot Month |
Average length of service based on start date. Snapshot Month-Start Date |
By Snapshot Month |
Seniority LOS | Average length of service based on seniority date Snapshot Month-Seniority Date |
By Snapshot Month |
Supervisors | Distinct count of supervisor codes used as a direct report | By Snapshot Month |
Time in Job | Average of (snapshot month - job start date), where job start date is based on effective date of job code assignment | By Snapshot Month |
Employee Per Supervisor | Distinct employee keys / distinct supervisor keys | By Snapshot Month |
Average Employee Count | ([snapshot_month: sum: employee count] ) / ([snapshot_month: #
distinct snapshot_month]) Counts adjusted for number of days employed in the month. Used when analyzing over time periods greater than a month. |
By Snapshot Month |
Average FTE | [snapshot_month: sum: avg fte] / [snapshot_month: # distinct
snapshot_month] FTEs adjusted for number of days employed in the month. Used when analyzing over time periods greater than a month. |
By Snapshot Month |
GetPromptValue(‘Employee Count or FTE’) | Used with a dashboard filter to choose to view either employee counts or FTE
values. Distinct Employee Keys where Employee Count=1 or Sum of FTEs where Employee Count=1 Provides the distinct count of employees who have not been terminated as of the last date of the month. |
By Snapshot Month |
Employee WA Action | Used to identify action as employee or work assignment | By Effective from |