Internal Hire

This dashboard provides the total number of employees with a change in job, position, HR organization unit, direct supervisor, or an additional work assignment in the trailing 12 months.

This table shows the dashlets in the dashboard:

Dashlet name Description Chart style
Internal Hire Total number of employees with a change in job, position, HR organization unit, direct supervisor or an additional work assignment in the trailing 12 months KPI
Percent Internal Hires Internal hires TTM / (internal hires TTM + new hires TTM + rehires TTM) KPI
New Hire Employees with a start date who did not terminate on the same day, for trailing 12 months KPI
Rehires Count of the rehired employee's for 12 trailing month based on the selected year/month KPI
Internal Hires Movement by HR Organization Unit Top N internal hires movement between HR organization units for trailing 12 months from selected year/month Heatmap
Internal Hires Movement by Job Hierarchy Top N internal hires movement between job categories for trailing 12 months from selected year/month. Use the column selector to change the from and to hierarchy level Heatmap
Internal Hires Movement by Supervisor Top N internal hires movement between supervisor codes for trailing 12 months from selected year/month Heatmap