Granting access to packages

Only users belonging to a user group with access to a package can perform an import package.

Use this procedure to enable access for HR-Model-Administrator user group to packages.

  1. In Birst, select a space.
  2. Select Space Management > Packages.
  3. Click a package to modify.
  4. In Access tab, select HR-Model-Administrator. Users belonging to this group can import the package.
    This table displays the packages in each source and model space:
    Space Package
    D820T16_AX1-HR-Model HR - Cross Product Analytics
    HR- Data Model
    HR- Time Variables
    D820T16_AX1-HR-Model-Extension HR Extension
    D820T16_AX1-HR-Model-Security HR Model Security
    D820T16_AX1-HR-Source HR Security Source
    HR Source