Delivered workflows
This section lists the workflows delivered with HR Talent Analytics. Steps and tasks for each workflow are also listed.
HR – Delete All Processed
Run this workflow to delete all processed data in the spaces.
Step Task 1 Delete All Processed Data of [Tenant]-HR-Model-Extension Delete All Processed Data of [Tenant]-HR-Source Delete All Processed Data of [Tenant]-HR-Model-Security Delete All Processed Data of [Tenant]-HR-Model -
HR – Extract and Process.
Run this workflow to import data from Data Lake and process the data.
Step Task 1 Extract All via HCM Infor Data Lake from [Tenant]-HR-Model-Extension Extract All via HCM Infor Data Lake from [Tenant]-HR-Source 2 Publish: - 000 – Extension Sources
- 100 – Extension dimension
- 200 – 000 – Process Variables
3 Publish: - GHR - 000 - 000 - Source Tables
- GHR - 000 - 100 - 000 - Dimensions
- GHR - 000 - 100 - Dimensions
- GHR - 000 - 120 - Scripted Tables
- GHR - 000 - 200 - DeleteSupersededRecord
- Reset - Extract Start Date
- ZZZ - Purge
4 Publish:
- 000 - Employee Identity Guid
- Security - 000 - 000 - Dimension Tables
- Security - 000 - 100 - HR Organization
- Security - 000 - 200 - HR Organization Unit
- ZZZ - Purge
5 Publish:
- 000 - 100 - PreLoad Max Repset HCM
- 000 - 200 - Src History
- 000 - 300 - Delete Canceled Records
- GHR - 100 - 100 - Process Dimensions
- GHR - 100 - 200 - Process Dimensions 2
- GHR - 100 - 200 - Process Dimensions 3
- GHR - 100 - 300 - Dimensions Post Load Process
- GHR - 200 - 100 - Process Employee Education Fact
- GHR - 200 - 200 - Process Employee Action Fact
- GHR - 200 - 300 - Process Work Assignment History Fact
- GHR - 200 - 400 - Process Work Assignment Snapshot Fact
- GHR - 200 - 500 - Process Employee WA Action
- GHR - 800 - 000 - Remove Deleted Record
- GHR - 900 - 999 - Post Data Load
- HCMAM-100-100-Dimensions
- HCMAM-200-200-Facts1
- HCMAM-200-200-Facts2
- HCMAM-300-Delete
- HCMBN - Dimensions
- HCMBN - Facts
- HCMER - 100 - 100 - Dimensions
- HCMER - 200 - 200 - Facts
- HCMES - Dims
- HCMES - Facts
- HCMLD - 100 - 100 - Dimensions
- HCMLD - 200 - 200 - Facts
- HCMLD - 300 - 200 - Facts
- PB - 000 - 200 - Process Dimension
- PB - 100 - 200 - Process Dimension
- PB - 100 - 300 - Fact tables
- PB - 300 - 000 - Remove Deleted Record
- PR - 100 - 100 - Process Dimensions
- PR - 100 - 200 - Employee Payment
- PR - 100 - 300 - Fact Tables
- PR - 200 - 400 - Payroll Register
- PR - 800 - 000 - Remove Deleted Record
- sample test data
- TA - 100 - 100 - Process Dimensions
- TA - 100 - 200 - Process Dimensions
- TA - 200 - 100 - Process Candidate
- TA - 200 - 200 - 000 - Process Requisition
- TA - 200 - 200 - Process Requisition 1
- TA - 200 - 200 - Process Requisition 2
- TA - 200 - 300 - Process Job Posting
- TA - 200 - 400 - Process Application
- TA - 200 - 500 - 000 - Process Job App Interview
- TA - 200 - 500 - Process Facts
- TA - 300 - 100 - Snapshot Fact
- TA - 800 - 000 - Remove Deleted Record
- ZZZ - Aggregations
- ZZZ - Purge
6 Publish ZZZ - 000 - Process Variables in [Tenant ]-HR-Source. 7 Publish 100 - Actor Role in [Tenant ]-HR-Consumer. -
HR - Reset Variables
Run this workflow to reset and initialize the extract date variable. The date to be set must be the lastreset date in the replication sets. Clone this workflow and specify the date for the AllExtractDate variable
Step Task 1 InforHCMDefaultExtractStartDate from [Tenant ]-HR-Source will be set to 2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. InforHCMDirectSupervisorRole from [Tenant ]-HR-Model-Security will be set to DirectSupervisor_ST. 2 InforEmployeePurgeAction from [Tenant ]-HR-Source will be set to No. InforHCMHRGeneralistActorOrgUnitRole from [Tenant ]-HR-Model-Security will be set to HRGeneralistActorOrgUnit_ST. InforTalentAcquisitionMonthlySnapshotYearWindow from [Tenant ]-HR-Model will be set to 3. 3 InforCandidate-Purge/Anonymize from [Tenant ]-HR-Source will be set to No. 4 Publish Reset - Extract Start Date in [Tenant ]-HR-Source.