Integration Tooling June 2022

This section contains enhancements in Infor HR Talent.

Date adjustment in File Creation Utility

A new column detail formatting was added in File Creation Utility setup to adjust date values.


Print mappings action for File Creation Utility

A new functionality has been added in File Creation Utility (FCU) to print the FCU setup details and mappings to PDF using a new action called Print Mappings. The new action is available for each FCU setup with mappings in the following navigations:

  • Administrator > Utilities > Interfaces > File Creation Utility > File Creation Setup
  • Integration Architect > Home > FCU Setup
  • Integration Architect > File Creation Utility > Dashboard

There is also a customer update to copy the SetupExport data to the new field SetupExportFile. The File Creation Utility setup export file name from SetupExport is [FCU Description]_SetupExport.txt.


New fields in Infor HR Talent

New fields have been added to implement the Infor HR Talent/Workforce Management integration.


Generating files based on HR Location in File Creation Utility

You can now create file layouts based off of HR Location and HR Location Export in File Creation Utility. HR Location can be chosen to create a file based off of the current values of the data. HR Location Export can be used to capture a complete history of changes made to HR Location.


One To Many business class in File Creation Utility

If a column is marked as coming from a One To Many business class on a File Creation Utility setup, the source business class will automatically be cleared if there is a value present.
