Integration Tooling August 2022

This section contains enhancements in Infor HR Talent.

Sorting in File Creation Utility after manual changes

Manually moving a record from Processed to Not Processed now regenerates the sort key if sorting is being used for that setup. Any changes made to the sort is applied to that record the next time a file is generated.


Writing a subtotal row to a file

You can now use two conditions on a subtotal row that determine whether it writes to a file. The conditions always apply to the last record that is a part of that subtotal section.


Phone number formatting in Infor Human Resource Management (HRM)

The delivered HRM Employee Export file creation mappings currently do not format phone numbers by default before they are sent over to HRM. This can lead to issues if an unexpected character is sent over that cannot be handled by HRM.


Using file creation mappings sending to Infor Human Resource Management (HRM)

A column is now defined at the end of Position Export Delivered Content that can be used to send User Level to HRM. By default this column is blank, but it can be updated if you need to send a value for that field. Steps on how to manually make these changes can be found on KB 2255730. Changes must also be made in HRM when making these mapping changes.


Purging export records

Export records for OtherPayTypeExport, PayCodeExport, and StandardTimeRecordExportRun can now be purged by clients based on date.


New dashboard in Integration Architect

A new dashboard for Recruitment Vendors is available in Integration Architect. It is automatically created by Post Upgrade. Records in the dashboard are filtered by Recruitment Vendor.


Cross reference set up and maintenance for Infor Human Resource Management (HRM) integration

You can now set up and maintain integrations more easily. View the new user interface at Integration Architect > Human Resource Management > Integration Maintenance > Cross Reference to set up cross references to Infor HRM.


Record counts in File Creation Utility

Record counts outputted on rows that are not defined as headers, trailers, or subtotals now reflect the record being processed at that time. This means that the first record count on a normal row will output as "1" instead of "0".
