Absence September 2022

This section contains enhancements in Infor HR Talent.

Time off requests using future projected balances

Employees, managers, and administrators can now use the Future Projected Balances feature to see employee time projected to be earned in the future. This is time that could be used when requesting time off on specific dates. Employees, managers, and time administrators can also use this feature when creating time records.

Once this feature is enabled on the organization and the absence plan, the Future Projected Balances tab is available on the employee absence plan. Administrators can click the Calculate Balance button to specify a date for which they want to see the earned hours projected for the employee.

For employees, the Future Projected Balances tab is available in To Do > My Time on plans using this feature. They can see their projected earned hours for a specific date with the Calculate Balance feature. When employees make a time off request, their projected available hours for the date they request are displayed. If their balance is insufficient when they make the request, then employees must click Yes on a confirmation request to use their Future Available Balance. The request can then be submitted and their Paid Time Off balance on the Time Off Calendar is displayed as a negative amount.

The Future Projected Balances tab is available for Managers in Manage Absences > Staff Balances. On this tab, Managers can see the projected available hours and days for the time off requests of their employees. Managers can use the Calculate Balance action to see an employee's projected hours for different dates.

Administrators can enable this feature by selecting Enable Future Projected Balances Feature on the Details tab in Absence Management > Setup > Organization Configuration.

Individual absence plans also must be set up to accommodate Future Projected Balance requests. On the Details tab of the absence plan, in the Select The Types Of Requests This Plan Allows section, the Future Projected Balances field must be selected. If this feature is disabled on the plan, a Confirmation Required message is displayed. This message warns the user that disabling this feature can cause errors for employees who have used future balances for a time off request, time record, or service record.

The Future Projected Balances feature only impacts absence plans with Warning or Error selected in the Negative Balance Option field of the balance rule. This feature is not recommended for absence plans based on actual hours worked.
