Talent Acquisition February 2022

This section contains enhancements in Infor HR Talent.

Send Offer email automation

Recruiting Email Templates have been improved to include a new option that can be used to attach the offer letter and contract in the emails.

Customers can then use the email template in a Send Email Workflow Step Automation to automatically send Offer Letter and Contract for the candidates to review. Sending offer letter using this method requires that the offer has been defined and approved and offer letter has been created.

The same email templates can be used to manually send offers to candidates without first having to navigate to the Attachments list for the candidate's application.


Addition of Link Requisition and Job Application to Work Assignment records

Hire, Rehire, Transfer, Promote, and Add Work Assignment actions in Talent Acquisition processes have been updated to pass Job Application and Job Requisition values to created or updated Work Assignment records.


Addition of automation for sending resumes as attachments using email templates

Recruiters can now send emails, manually or via an automated process, with resumes that are automatically attached. The process can be enabled on the Recruiting Email template page. Attach Resume feature must be enabled prior to sending the emails.


Including HTML resumes as attachments or inside of the email body

An option to include HTML resumes as an attachment to the email or as part of the email body has been added when sending multiple emails. When sending the resumes as attachments, the primary resume or the system generated resume can be used.


Copying resumes and cover letters from job application records to the rehire records

Resumes and cover letters from employee's job application record are now automatically copied to the employee rehire/internal candidate record.


Displaying resume from recruiting partners as primary

A MakeLastJobApplicationResumePrimaryForApplication flag has been added to ATSConfiguration to display the resume that was submitted via recruiting partner API for a job application as a primary resume for that job application. The flag can now be exposed and set to True to enable the feature.
