Time Entry September 2022

This section contains enhancements in Infor HR Talent.

Multi-threading for time record imports

An Action Configuration record now sets the number of threads for the EmployeeTimerecordImport. The AssignToRunGroupUseMapping action is mapped to the HCMPayrollActions Async queue but can be configured in Action Configuration. Customers who have defined their own Queue Mapping using Configuration Parameter must remove the entry for ProcessNewRecordsWithRunGroup to use the newly delivered Action Configuration record.

Administrators can enable this feature by selecting Utilities > Action Configuration > Enable Action Configuration. Administrators can then select Utilities > Action Configuration > Configuration to view and update the number of threads for the AssignToRunGroupUseMapping action. The delivered number of threads is set to 2.


Unique checkpoints for EmployeeTimerecordImport process flows

Unique checkpoints for the File Channel, Receiver, and Infor Process Automation process flows improve performance when users import multiple .csv files concurrently for the EmployeeTimerecordImport.

Process Server Administrators can set the configuration properties for this enhancement in Configuration > System Configuration in the main Configuration Set. In the System Properties list, locate the Property Names containing TimeRecordImport. The NewTimerecordStatus is assigned to time records that are not used for HR Payroll and is set to 6 when it is closed. The SourceSystem identifies the source system for looking up cross reference mappings and its default value is HRM. The other TimeRecordImport properties are not used with this version of the flow.

Process Server Administrators can create the file channel on the File Channels tab in Administration > Channels Administrator and add parameters for the server and file directory to monitor. The scan interval is defined in minutes. The file channel receiver can be created by clicking Create on the File Channels tab in the File Receiver List. The File Name field must be different than EmployeeTimercordImport.csv. Wild cards are used. The Process field contains the process that is initiated when a file is found that calls the dbimport command to import the file into the EmployeeTimerecordImport business class. For more information on setting up file channels, see the Infor Process Automation Administration Guide.
