Benefits August 2022

This section contains enhancements in Infor HR Talent.

Dependent-based enrollment filtering

For a more intuitive enrollment experience, the benefit plan options displayed during enrollment can now be filtered based on the dependents an employee intends to enroll. During open enrollment and life events, administrators and employees can declare an employee's intent to enroll their dependents in benefit plans. This ensures that the only plans displayed as options during enrollment are plans that would cover the dependents the employee intends to enroll. If they do not intend to enroll dependents, then only individual plan and waive options are displayed.

In the Covered section of the enrollment group, administrators can now select which kinds of dependent relationships are covered for the enrollment group. In the Dependent Criteria section, administrators can now select dependent age requirements for the enrollment group. When administrators then create an enrollment event for an employee in that enrollment group, a new Enrollment Choices tab is available in the employee's dependent records. On this tab, a list of all the enrollment groups the dependent can be covered under is displayed. The employee's intention to enroll them in each group is displayed in the Enroll column. The default value for this column is Selection Required, but each row can be right-clicked and changed to Yes or No.

When the enrollment is viewed in Enrollment View, the Enrollment tab is not available until all dependents have had their enrollment intents declared. In Enrollment View, the enrollment intent of dependents is displayed on the Dependents and Beneficiaries tab of the enrollment. Employees can open a dependent record from this tab and change these fields in the Include In Coverage section to Yes or No to declare their intent to include or exclude them in enrollment:
  • Include In Dental
  • Include In Health
  • Include In Health Savings Account
  • Include In Vision

After all the enrollment intents of dependents are declared, the Enrollment tab is available on the employee's enrollment and they can enroll in benefit plans.

The filtering functionality of the Filter Choices Based On Dependents feature is exclusive to the coverage options list displayed to employees during enrollment selection. The enrollment groups that are set to Yes or No for each dependent from the Dependents tab do not permit or restrict the actual enrollment for dependents after the coverage option is selected.

For example, an employee with one spouse and four children could set their spouse and two of their children to Yes for the health plan, and the other two children to No. However, once they have selected the Family option, the Yes or No selection does not restrict them from later enrolling the two children set to No in the plan without updating their selection.

Dependent-based enrollment filtering is enabled in Benefits > Enrollment Events > Set Up > Organization Rules when the Filter Choices Based On Dependents check box is selected. The Enrollment version must be Responsive.


Multiple prerequisite options for benefit plans

Benefit plans can now be defined with more than one option of a prerequisite plan. Benefit plans can also be a prerequisite for multiple other plans. For example, multiple High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) could be displayed as prerequisite options for enrollment in a Health Savings Account (HSA) plan during enrollment. The system would then ensure that the employee is enrolled in one of the prerequisite plans in order to enroll in the HSA. If an employee attempts to withdraw from a plan that is a prerequisite of other plans, they receive a confirmation message that they will be withdrawn from the specific plans for which it is a prerequisite.

Prerequisite benefit plans are now located on the Prerequisites tab of benefit plans in Benefits > Plans > Benefit Plans. Any data previously in the Prerequisite field is now contained in a record here. To create a new prerequisite for a benefit plan, click Create in the Prerequisites list on the Prerequisites tab and click the new row in the Prerequisite Plan column to select a plan. Specify a description and click Save.

To make a benefit plan a prerequisite of another benefit plan, click Create in the Prerequisite To Benefit Plans list on the Prerequisites tab. Click the new row in the Benefit Plan column to select a plan for which the current benefit plan is a prerequisite. Specify a description and click Save. The current plan is now displayed on the Prerequisites tab of the selected plan.

When Benefits managers attempt to enroll an employee in a plan with prerequisites in Benefits > Maintenance > By Resources, they receive an error message displaying the prerequisite plans in which they must enroll the employee first. When Benefits managers attempt to delete a benefit plan that is a prerequisite for another plan in Benefits > Maintenance > By Resources > Current, they receive a message displaying the plans for which it is a prerequisite and from which they must withdraw first.
