Using report filters

Data in manager analytics and agent analytics can be filtered by these means:
  • Period override: This is the primary filter. This filter sets the calendar year and the months in that year. For example, you can set the filter to show data from the calendar year January and February of 2017. You can set it to show data for January through December of 2017.
  • Period views: This is the secondary filter. This filter sets a block of time within the time period. For example, you can view data for twelve months, four quarters, or four years of the time period that is set in the Period override.
  1. From Agent Analytics or Manager Analytics, select a report.
  2. Click the date that represents the current period.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the calendar year.
    Specify the months in the calendar year.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click the period view and select an option.