Creating custom transition forms

Custom forms must be added to the transition form library so they can later be associated with a task and added to a transition program. Before you can create a task for a custom form, you must create a transition form in Transition Management.

For each use form that was added to ResourceTransitionTask in Configuration Console, you must create a corresponding transition form in Transition Management.

  1. Select Administrator > Transition Management > Setup > Transition Forms.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Transition Form
    Specify the name of the transition form. This name is used throughout the application.
    The transition form is active by default. To deactivate the transition form, clear the Active check box. Inactive task forms are not displayed in lists.
    Used For
    Select the audience that will use the form.
    Top Instructions
    Specify the instructions that are shown at the top of the form.
    Bottom Instructions
    Specify the instructions that are shown at the bottom of the form.
  4. Click Save.