Deleting transition programs

You cannot delete a transition program that is associated with an ongoing transition process. Before you can delete a transition program, you must delete any tasks that are associated with the transition program.

  1. Select Administrator > Transition Management > Setup > Transition Programs.
  2. Open the transition program to delete.
  3. If there are tasks that are associated with the transition task set, then delete the tasks.
    You can remove a task that has a prerequisite task, but you cannot remove a task that is required by another task. For example, you can remove a task that is called Assign Parking even if it has a prerequisite task of Assign User Name. You cannot removeAssign User Name because it is a prerequisite to several of the tasks in the transition program. You must delete all the tasks that have Assign User Name as a prerequisite before you can delete Assign User Name.
  4. When all tasks are deleted from the transition program, click Delete on the Transition Program panel.
  5. Click Yes to confirm.