Infor Rich Client navigation tips

Your access to applications is limited to the role or roles that you have been assigned by the administrator.

All Infor HR Talent applications, with the exception of Candidate Space, are now accessible on Infor Rich Client and have a unified user interface. For more information on Infor Rich Client, see the Infor Rich Client User Guide.

These tips do not provide a description of the full functionality of Infor Rich Client. They help you navigate the applications and locate information.

  • Users have access to all of their roles on the same desktop. Each role has a graphic representation (called process board). All users have an Employee process board. Administrators, Compensation Analysts, HR Generalists, Managers, Mentors, and Recruiters each have their own process board which can be placed on their desktop. Users access their process board on the desktop to perform tasks related to the role. For example, managers will access Manager > Review Performance to complete performance appraisals for their direct reports, and Employee > My Reviews to access their own personal appraisals. Managers can have their Manager process board and their Employee process board opened concurrently.
  • Within process boards, major groupings of processes are also represented by a graphic. Place pointer over a graphic to see the menu items associated with the processes. An arrow at the end of a menu item indicates sub-menus. If no menu is displayed, click the graphic to display the form, list, or dashboard. (For example, as an employee, click My Profile to access your profile information.)
    Note: A standard tree view is available under Start > Applications or can be dragged to the desktop from Start > Library > Widgets > Navigator.
  • You can use the Search box at the top of your desktop to locate a form. For example, specify Compensation to view a list of all the forms that have Compensation in their title.
  • All users can find these links on the drop-down list under Start:
    • My Notifications. This option is also accessible from an icon next to Search box at the top of the desktop.
    • My Inbasket
    • My Jobs
    • My Print Files
    • My Actions (request actions and scheduled actions)
    • Set As of Date
    • Clear As Of Date
    • Proxy Management (managers and administrators)
    • Switch To Proxy
    • Help - use these to access the documentation.
    Note: This list is not inclusive. It includes only items that are relevant to navigation. For configuration and personalization information, see the Infor Rich Client User Guide.
  • When you open a form or a list, you can access the actions in one of these ways:
    • If an Actions menu item displays on the actions bar, all the possible actions for the form reside under Actions. For lists, you can also right-click an item to view the same actions.
    • Most frequently used actions are displayed on the actions bar. To view the complete actions available to you, you must click the All Menu Actions icon, which looks like a vertical double arrow at the end of the actions bar. For lists, if items exist, you can also generally right-click an item to view the available actions.