Security and roles with configurable hiring workflow

Security for configurable hiring workflow matches the existing security in the hard-coded selection process steps.

If a user does not have security level access to perform an action or see a step within the configurable hiring workflow, then the user is not able to take the specific action or view the specific step.

Recruiter Role: The recruiter role is automatically given access to view and take action on all steps within the configurable hiring workflow. No changes are needed for this role unless the customer wants to limit the steps the recruiter role can view and take action on.

Manager Role: The manager role is automatically updated to match the existing security in the hard-coded selection process. If the customer enables configurable hiring workflow (and is utilizing a hiring workflow on some requisitions) prior to migrating, then the customer must add security to the manager role.

To set up security to specific steps within the hiring workflow prior to migration, customers must reference JobRequisitionWorkflowStep.ATSWorkflowStep in the security setup.

Configuration Security: Workflow setup screens and configurations are given to the following roles:

Role Permission
HR Administrator Full access
Recruiter Administrator View, update, create delete
HR Generalist View
Recruiter None
Hiring Manager None