Emailing candidate resumes

Recruiters and recruiter administrators can embed resumes in an email that can be sent to recipients. Resumes can be emailed from the Requisitions All tab, the Workflow tab, and the Resume tab. Resumes that have been successfully parsed can be viewed in the Resumes tab instead of downloading them.

  1. Click Requisitions.
  2. Select a requisition.
  3. Click Workflow, All, or Resume.
  4. Select one or more candidates. The candidate must have at least one primary resume attached to the job application. If the candidate has a resume, then it is shown in the right-side panel.
  5. Select Actions > Select Resumes. To deselect a candidate's resumes, select a candidate and click Deselect Resumes.
  6. After you have selected resumes, click Send Selected Resumes via Email to embed the selected resumes in the email.
  7. Complete the form and click Submit. If you selected more than one candidate resume to email, then the multiple emails render as HTML in the emails that are sent.