Creating a URL task

Use this task type to direct the applicant to a web site. This task type is usually used for a privacy policy or similar content that is available on a site. The task can include an acknowledgment, with acknowledgment text and a signature and signature requirement.

Administrators can specify static URLs or URLs with variables. The protocol for the URL must match the protocol of Infor HR Talent; otherwise, candidates and resources will encounter browser errors. Because the protocol that is associated with Infor HR Talent is https:, the protocol for the URL must also be https:. Variables are used to customize URLs by resource or by candidate. Variables are used when the outside system can accommodate access to a specific candidate's or resource's content. Variables are also used when records from the external system must be matched back to candidate or resource records in Infor HR Talent. When a variable is used, the administrator specifies the URL and then selects the variable. The candidate's or resource's ID is added to the URL. For example, the URL and variable for a candidate whose ID is 1234 looks like this:{CandidateID}. It is rendered as this:

Note: The content security policy for a website indicates whether its content can be shown within the Iframe of another website. This applies when the url is used alone or with a variable. Many websites restrict their content from being shown within an Iframe of another website without permission. Cooperation is required of the both the Infor administrator and the development team for the site that is shown within the task's Task Details Iframe panel. Some browsers are more strict than others about enforcing these rules.
  1. Select Talent Acquisition > Application Setup > Tasks.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of the task.
    Specify a description of the task.
    Task Type
    Specify URL.
    Select this option to make the task active in the system. Inactive tasks are not shown in lists.
    Specify the URL. To insert a variable, click the ellipsis in the lower right-side corner and select a variable from the list.
    Include Acknowledgment Text
    Select this option to include an acknowledgment in the task.
    Acknowledgment Text
    Specify instructions or other information. This option is available only when the Include Acknowledgment Text option is selected.
    Include Signature
    Select this option to include a signature in the task.
    Signature Required
    Select this option to require the applicant to provide an acknowledgment signature. This option is available only when the Include Signature option is selected
  4. Click Save.