Configuring alerts and notifications

Administrators can configure automated email notifications, user notifications, or both email and user notifications when specific Talent Acquisition events occur.

Email notifications are sent to each recipient's work email address. User notifications appear under the Unread Notifications icon at the top of each recipient's desktop. They can also be found in Start > My Notifications. The same template can be used to send both an email and a user notification.

You can use the same notification email template to send both an email and a user notification. Email notification templates are defined by the Administrator in Talent Acquisition > Template Setup > Email Templates.

  1. Sign in as Administrator and select Talent Acquisition > Code Setup > Alert Notification Configuration.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify this information:
    Alert Notification Configuration
    Specify the type of alert notification.
    Send Email
    Select to specify the email template that is sent to the user.
    User Notification
    Select to specify the message that the user sees in the notification.
    Hover Message
    Specify the message that is displayed when users pause on the notification icon.
  4. Click Save.