Locations and locations of jobs

Locations of jobs are used solely on job boards to let candidates search by a location that makes sense for job seekers. Locations (also called HR locations) provide specific addresses for an organization. A location can be associated with a location of job. Location is a non-required field on positions.

The two types of locations serve two different purposes. The location provides a mailing address for business transactions within the organization. The location of job merely provides a sorting mechanism for job boards and a way to identify the location of a job opening independent of the location that is associated with the position.

By default, the system automatically creates locations of jobs out of locations by pulling the country, state, and city from the location address. Recruiters can define other locations of jobs and can use them on job boards to override the location of job defaulted from the position (if it exists), or to assign a location of job to a requisition when the position does not have a location.

On the job postings sites, the location of job appears on job lists. Candidates can search for position by location of jobs.