Reopening a closed or completed incident

Perform this task to include an incident in the OSHA log, if the incident was placed into Completed status without being marked for inclusion. You can also perform this task to avoid opening multiple records that describe the same incident. For example, assume a diagnosis occurs after the causal incident was closed. In this case, reopen the original incident record instead of creating a new one.

Near-miss incidents are not eligible for reopening.

You can perform this task if your profile includes the Safety Administrator or Facility Manager role.

  1. Select Health & Safety Administrator > Safety Management > Safety Incidents.
    Click the Complete tab.
    Or, select Observation Log > History. Optionally, filter the Observation Type column to include only Safety Incident records. Filter the Status column to include only Complete and Closed records.
  2. Select an incident row and click the Reopen action.
    Or, open the incident, then select More Actions > Reopen.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select the code that has been established by your organization for reopen events.
    Action Comment
    Provide an explanation for why this incident is being reopened.
  4. Click OK.
    The status of the incident reverts to Active. If the safety incident had associated observations, then those observations are also reopened and placed into Active status.

    If you have configured email notifications to be sent automatically when an incident is reopened, then those emails are sent now.

    See Configuring safety emails and notifications.

  5. Optionally, open the incident from the Active tab.
    If you reopened this incident for inclusion in state or federal reports, then select Include In OSHA Logs on the Details tab of the incident record.
  6. Select the employee on the Employee Cases tab, then click Update.
  7. On the Incident Severity tab, add values to the Other fields in the Total Number Of Days pane.
    Optionally, update other employee-specific fields.

    See Viewing or adding an employee who was impacted.

  8. Adjust the Include in OSHA Logs check box as required.
  9. Click Save.