Marking an incident complete

To mark an incident as completed, all follow-up tasks for the incident must be completed. You must have the Safety Administrator or Facility Manager role to edit the record.
  1. Sign in as Health & Safety Management.
  2. Verify that at least one cause has been identified for the incident.
    You cannot add a cause after the incident has been completed.

    See Identifying the cause of an incident.

  3. Select Safety Management > Safety Incidents.

    Select Safety Management > Near Misses.

  4. On the Active tab, select the incident record.
  5. Click Mark As Complete.

    If there are incomplete follow-up tasks for this incident, then you have the opportunity to mark them as completed.

    The Response Required page is displayed.

  6. Complete the Reason field by selecting a reason code.
  7. Complete the Action Comment field with additional information about closing the incident.
  8. Click OK.

    The record is displayed on the Complete tab of the safety-incident list.

    Note: You are required to confirm the action if the investigation has not been completed. You also must confirm if an end date has not been specified in the Incident Work Schedule for an injured employee.

    See Viewing or adding an employee who was impacted.

    If new or changed information about a safety incident emerges later, then you can reopen the record. Near-miss incidents cannot be reopened.

    See Reopening a closed or completed incident.

  9. Optionally, click Print Incident Report on the incident record to open a new browser tab that contains a summary of the incident.