Creating notice periods

Notice periods determine the amount of time required to give termination notice to a resource. A notice period can be specified on a resource employment's contract. The notice period can be a flat number, a schedule that is based on age, a schedule that is based on length service, or no notice period.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Resource Components > Work Assignment > Notice Periods.
  2. Click Create, and specify this information:
    Effective Date

    This field is required. Specify an effective date.

    Notice Period

    This fields is required. Specify the notice period name. For example, ONE WEEK PER YEAR (one week's notice per year of service).


    Specify a description for the notice period. If left blank, the notice period name defaults.


    Select this check box to make the notice period active. The notice period is active by default. Clear the check box to inactivate it.

    Notice Period Based On

    Select what the notice period schedule is based on. It can be based on length of service (weeks, months, or years), based on age, or be a flat period.

    Service Calculated From

    If you selected a notice period based on Weeks of Service, Months of Service, or Years of Service, select the date from which to start calculating the notice period. For example, the Adjusted Start Date.

    If you selected Age or Flat as the basis for the notice period, leave this field blank.

    Plus An Additional

    You can add some time to the start date, to account, for example, for a probationary period. For example, if you specify Adjusted Start Date Plus 3 Months, the notice period calculation starts three months after the adjusted start date.

  3. Click Save.
    The Schedule panel displays eligibility requirements for this notice period. You can add a notice-period schedule to define eligibility further.