Changing addresses as an administrator using the Address Lookup integration

Before you change an address to a resource profile using the Address Lookup integration, you must activate the Address Lookup integration.

You can change the address details or the entire address of a resource.

  1. Activate the Address Lookup integration.
  2. Select a resource profile to change an address:
    1. From the Infor HR Talent page, sign in as an Administrator.
    2. Select Resources > Resources.
    3. Double-click the resource profile to change an address with.
    4. Click Personal Information.
    5. In the Addresses pane, double-click an existing address of the resource to change.
  3. Change the address details of the resource using the Address Lookup integration:
    1. Select the effective date of the address.
    2. Optionally, provide a description of the address.
    3. Click Edit.
    4. Specify these address details:
      • Country
      • Street
      • City
      • State or province
      • Zip code
      • Region, optional
      • County or district, optional
    5. Click Save.
  4. Optionally, change the entire address of the resource using the Address Lookup integration:
    1. Click Clear then Yes.
    2. Select the Search for Address check box.
      Note: After you select the Search for Address check box, the existing address is deleted.
    3. Select the effective date of the address.
    4. Optionally, provide a description of the address.
    5. Select the country of the address.
    6. Specify the address. Optionally, select a suggested address that is displayed in the Enter your address here field.
    7. Click Save.
  5. To approve the change address requests of an employee, select Administrator > Action Requests > Open.
    The changes are displayed on the resource profile after the request is approved.