Creating employment contract templates

Use this procedure to define contract templates for a contract type. Contract templates are required to create a resource employment contract.

  1. Select Administrator > Set Up > Employment Contract Components > Templates.
  2. Select the contract type for which you are defining a template.
  3. In the Contract Templates section, click Create.
  4. Specify this information:
    Contract Type
    This field defaults to the name of the contract type that you selected.
    Effective Date
    Specify the date on which the template becomes effective.
    Specify the contract template name.
    Specify a description for the contract template.
    Preferred Document Language
    Select whether the document will be in the employee's or the candidate's language.
    Document Template File
    Attach the document template to be used to generate an official, printable employment contract document for the resources that are associated with this employment contract template. The document file must be in Word RTF format so it can use merge fields to incorporate variable information. This file controls the format in which the information is displayed on the document.
    Select this check box to make the contract template active. The contract template is active by default. Clear the check box to inactivate it.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Add sections in one of these ways:
    • To add existing sections, click the Helper List, select all of the sections to include and click the Attach To Template button. Use CTRL-Click to select multiple sections.
    • To define a new section, click Create.

      See Creating employment contract sections.

      Note: Sections that you add outside of the Helper List remain unique to the employment contract template and are not added to the Sections list.