Prerequisite setup

Only the HR administrator can perform this setup.

  • Create leave reasons and leave types.

  • Set up email automation for leave actions. Automated emails are sent any time an employee, manager, or administrator performs an action related to a leave of absence.

    See Enabling email action authentication.

  • Set up email templates that are used to generate emails about leave-related actions. Assign them to corresponding actions.

    See Assigning templates for use in email automation.

  • To have leave-of-absence documents automatically created from templates when a leave of absence record is created, you must load the templates and then attach the templates to the leave reasons.
  • For action reasons to be specified when a leave request is rejected or canceled, you must create reason codes for these subjects:

    HCMLeaveOfAbsenceReject For a Reject action
    HCMLeaveOfAbsenceCancel For a Cancel action

    No action reasons are used to create, update, or approve requests, to begin leave, or to complete leave.