Legacy employment contracts component setup

Use this setup process for Legacy Employment Contracts only.

Employment-contract components are used to create an employment contract for a resource.

Some organizations use or require contracts when hiring a resource. These contracts typically contain information about the type of contract, the length of the contract, and the specific details of the resource's employment. To create a contract, you must first create these contract components:

  • Allowance types

  • Other pay types

  • Contract reasons and types

  • Contract sections

  • Contract templates

  • Employment-contract-amendment templates

After you create the contract components, you can use the components to create an employment contract for a resource using the Hire a Resource or Rehire a Resource action request.

Allowance types and other pay types

You can define allowances and other pay for resources that can be included in a contract. Each of these must be associated with an allowance type or an other pay type.

Employment-contract types

Each contract must have a designated contract type. Contract types usually describe the contract using a short, high-level phrase, such as FIXED or INDEFINITE TERM. A contract type also defines a contract's expiration alerts. It can also set a default waiting period to rehire resources with employment contracts of this type.

Employment-contract sections

A contract section is a paragraph of text that provides the content for the body of a contract. You can create a master list of reusable sections that can be included in a contract. Each section is defined with a specific type and is also assigned to a specific organization. You can create multiple sections of the same type within an organization by using the description to differentiate between each section.

Section text can include variables such as the resource name, the contract start and end date, and more. These variables are resolved when a contract is created for a specific resource.

You can use the Active field or effective dating to control when sections are available for use in a contract.


Employment-contract sections are not required. You can define your contract sections directly in a Microsoft Word RTF document that can use the Mail Merge functionality to retrieve variable text that you can attach to a contract template. The advantage of defining contract sections is that you can define an RTF document that can retrieve any sections attached to the template to which the document is attached. This reduces the number of RTF files that you must define. In addition, the sections that you define directly in an RTF file can be seen only when you open the file. You can always see the sections that you define in Infor HR Talent.

Employment-contract templates

A contract template is an outline of a contract that can be reused for multiple resources. The contract template is defined for a contract type and within an organization. The template can contain sections that spell out the terms of the employment contract. A contract template can contain a combination of sections that can be shared by multiple templates and sections that you define specifically for the template.

You can select a Microsoft Word template to use as the layout for the printed employment-contract document. This file must be a rich text format (.rtf) file that uses merge fields for variable or section information. When a resource employment contract uses the template, all the template sections are added to the document.

Employment-contract-amendment templates

When a resource contract is in active status, the only way it can be modified is through an amendment. Employment-contract-amendment templates are used to keep track of the changes made to an employment contract. Employment-contract-amendment templates are defined in the same manner as the original employment-contract templates. The system keeps them separate. They can, but do not have to include sections, and they can have an attached RTF document that lets users print only the amended pages of an employment contract in the format created of the RTF template.