Time record processing

Time records must be selected and released for payroll processing. Time records are not included by default in the payroll cycle. Instead, time record processing is a controlled process that is managed by a payroll administrator.

Payroll administrators can verify time records before they are included in payroll processing. Time records can be selected for payroll processing based on payment schedules, pay frequencies, pay period dates, time record type, or employee eligibility group.

To be included in payroll processing, a time record must be selected into a batch or moved to an existing batch. Batches of time records are moved to current or future status for processing now or in the future.

When time records are selected and moved into current status for the current payroll cycle, certain criteria must be met. For example, the time records must be in an Approved status. The payment schedule is used to determine the country of the employee for payroll processing. All time records moved to Current status for an employee must have the same payment schedule.

To update these fields on the current time record, you must first delete the retroactive pay time record:

  • Work Assignment
  • Date
  • Hours
  • Pay Code
  • Pay Rate
  • Amount

For employees who are paid in HR Payroll, time records are created for these finalized compensation payouts:

  • Employee Allowance Payouts
  • Employee Special Incentive Payout
  • Employee Comp Program Payout
  • Employee Rate Progression Lump Sum Payout
  • Salary Planning Bonus Payout
  • Salary Planning Lump Sum Payout

The time records are created in an Approved status. Payroll Administrators can select these time records into a batch for processing in a specific payroll.