Creating and viewing a Workers Compensation Report

The Workers Compensation Report can be submitted to a company’s insurance company so they can determine the amount of premiums owed. If the company is self-insured, reports can be created to compare what Payroll would have calculated for premiums versus what the company paid out in claims.

A workers compensation deduction does not need to be assigned to the employee. History is viewed and earnings are retrieved by job. Jobs must have job country attributes that are tied to workers compensation classifications to calculate premiums.

  1. Select Payroll Administrator > Reports > Workers Compensation.
  2. Click Create Workers Compensation Report.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a country. The default is US.
    Workers Compensation State
    If you select a state, you can limit results of the report to that state.
    Workers Compensation Policy
    Specify a workers compensation policy.
    Specify a description for the report.
    Date Range
    Specify a beginning and ending date to review closed payments with a check date that is within this range.
    Pay Class
    Specify a pay class to provide calculated premiums based only on wages paid in a certain pay class. Only closed payments with wages paid in the specified pay class are displayed in the report with calculated premiums.
    Current Workers Compensation Class
    Select this check box to use the job on the current work assignment to determine the classification rate or amount for premium calculations. If this check box is cleared, the premiums are calculated based on the job on the closed time records.
  4. Click Submit to generate the report immediately or click Schedule to generate the report at a later time.
    • The header record of the report contains information such as the Print Time, Description, State, Policy, Date Range and Status from the action parameters.
    • The Premium Details section contains the job classification code information and the rate or percent from the classification setup. It also contains the check date and time record date for the calculated record. The Limit column indicates if a limit exists on the classification setup.
    • Premium is calculated based on the classification setup:
      • If the classification setup is Premium Per Wages, then Premium = Earnings / Premium per Wages * Rate
      • If the classification setup is Premium Per Hours, then Premium = Hours / Premium per Hours * Rate
      • If the classification setup is Percent, then Premium = Earnings * Percent
    • The Premium Summary tab includes the cube data view of the report.
      • You must add the WorkersCompensationPremium cube and load the cube before the cube data can be used.
      • To add and reload cubes, select Administration Console > Analytics > Reload and Refresh Cubes. You must have Administrator access.